Dear participant,

We want to thank all the speakers, workshop leaders and our contributing visitors for a very successful second National Interdisciplinary Education Conference. With around 100 conference participants for the second year, it has been proven that interdisciplinary education is not just a buzz word, but something that people are interested in. Moreover, and the evidence can be found in recent university policy documents, interdisciplinary education has become part of the global state of the art thinking in higher education curriculum renewal.

During the conference, different educational designs were shared and discussed, advancing an innovative mind-set, providing inspiration, research and tools for the development of future interdisciplinary initiatives. The video of the keynote and the abstracts of the papers are all available on the conference website.

We hope our community will continue to grow and is willing to keep sharing knowledge and practices, either during the next conference or in the LinkedIn group ‘Interdisciplinary Education’.

In order to rotate the organization between higher education institutions in the Netherlands and Flanders, we want to invite you to host the next conference. If your institute is interested in becoming next year’s host (February 2019), we invite you to come forward and send a proposal to (see the format below). The deadline for the application is May 15th.

We hope to see you all next year!

On behalf of the committee,
Birgit Pepin
Linda de Greef

Host the 2019 National Interdisciplinary Education Conference

Proposal by

conference theme



About the conference planning committee

The hosting institute can provide and organization team and conference committee and/or staff support sufficient to handle the details of conference administration.


About the hosting institution

The hosting institute must be an accredited Institution of Higher Education in the Netherlands or Flanders / The hosting institution must have interdisciplinary curricular emphases in place or in development.


About the venue / location

Necessary facilities are: A location suitable for plenary sessions which can accommodate approximately 150 participants, a registration area and at least 4 additional rooms for parallel sessions.



The hosting institute finds a workable date for the conference in January / early February.



The hosting institute is responsible for financing costs that are not fully covered by the earnings from ticket sales. We are seeking to maintain a conference fee that is affordable to most. The host may want to offer student rates and early bird rates.


Thank you for your interest for hosting the 2019 National Interdisciplinary Education Conference.

We kindly ask you to send this form to before 15 may 2018.